20 Traditional Basement Design

16-Traditional Basement Design

A basement is a versatile space within a house that can be used for various purposes if decorated properly – all it takes is some great ideas! However, a basement can also be a problem space if not enough attention is given to it, especially if you do not have something similar to basement waterproofing or mold protection in place to potentially help you. The last thing you want is for it to become a damp, dark storage space where you throw all of your unused belonging in. This would be a shame given that a basement can be potentially one of the more interesting and spacious spaces in a house if it is properly converted into a usable space and properly maintained. Basements, when not maintained, can become cold and damp, leading to eventual mould growth, meaning the room can no longer be used. Milwaukee basement waterproofing services can fix any damp problems in your basement before you start to redecorate. Other basement waterproofing services will also exist in your local area, and it is recommended you use them before trying to refit your basement – any dampness will only ruin your new decor and furnishings!

A basement can be used as a parking area/workshop, or can be designed as a large hall for small gatherings and functions at home. It can also be decorated as a library or a private reading space. Traditional decoration can be achieved through the use of natural solid wood and some vintage accessories. Flooring also has a big part to play in the overall ambience and functionality of your basement too. Many homeowners just place their focus on the rest of their interior design, and often forget about the impact that your choice of flooring can make. For example, looking into epoxy floor coatings basement ideas is something that could prove to be beneficial if you want to make sure that your flooring can accommodate your needs, as well as withholding scratches and chips. If your basement is your pride and joy, it is very likely that you will want it to look as good as possible.

Surprisingly, a basement can also be used as a bar space for entertaining your friends and family, or it can be transformed into a snug/spare bedroom. It can also be a basement home cinema room! And, if decorated properly, it can add real value to your house. We have gathered a stunning collection of decoration ideas for you guys to check out and get inspired, so take a look below!

Traditional Basement Design

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