How to Be a Good Tenant: Tips for a Stress-Free Renting Experience


Renting a home is common for many people, whether it’s their first time living away from home or they’re experienced at it.

Regardless of your experience, being a good tenant and maintaining a positive relationship with your landlord is essential to ensure a comfortable living experience.

Being a responsible tenant is more than just paying your rent on time. It involves taking care of the property, respecting your neighbours, and communicating effectively with your landlord.

In this article, we’ve gathered the most efficient tips on how to be a good tenant.

Take care of the property

One way to be a good tenant is to respect your rented property. This involves taking care of it and ensuring it remains in good condition.

To achieve this, consider the following ways to demonstrate such respect:

Keep it clean

Regularly clean the property, including the floors, countertops, and bathrooms.

You do not have to perform a full property clean-up every day of the week. Just do it once a fortnight.

It may seem like a lot of work, but you’ll experience plenty of benefits to doing that regularly. What’s more, if your landlord comes round for an inspection, they’ll be happy with the state of their premises. This helps prevent property damage and keep it in good condition.

Avoid damage

Your landlord will expect a certain level of wear and tear, mainly if you’ve lived on their property for a long time. However, they won’t accept damages. And they’ll get money for repairs out of your deposit.

So, avoid causing damage to the property by being careful with furniture and appliances. Also, don’t use the walls as a punching bag or hang heavy items without approval.

Report maintenance issues

If you notice any issues with the property, such as a leaky faucet or a broken window, report it to your landlord as soon as possible. This helps prevent the problem from worsening and shows your landlord that you’re taking care of the property.

Pay your rent on time

Another important aspect of being a good tenant is paying your rent on time. This is important because it shows your landlord you’re responsible and reliable.

Here are some tips on how to pay your rent on time:

Set reminders

Set reminders for when your rent is due to ensure you don’t forget to pay it on time. You can use a calendar or a smartphone app to set reminders.


Create a budget to ensure you have enough money to pay your rent on time. This involves calculating your monthly expenses and ensuring you have enough to pay your rent.

Pay online

Make sure your money gets to the landlord on time by paying through an online bank account. Guarantee it by paying them a few days before each deadline. They’ll be delighted.


If you can’t pay on time, let your landlord know.

This could be because you have temporary financial difficulties or a more personal issue. Whatever the reason, give your landlord the details, and they’ll be lenient, especially if you’ve always paid the rent on time beforehand. 

Furthermore, your landlord may be willing to work out a payment plan with you or provide an extension.

Get on with your neighbours

Respecting your neighbours is another crucial aspect.

This involves being mindful of their needs and being respectful of their space.

Likely, your landlord will also own the properties next to you. Therefore, you should try your best not to disturb them. Here are some tips on how to respect your neighbours:

Keep the noise down

Avoid making loud noises during late hours, especially if you share walls with your neighbours. This includes listening to music, having loud conversations, or vacuuming during quiet hours.

Keep the pets under control

Generally, landlords aren’t fond of pets because they can damage their properties and cause disruption in the area. 

That’s why if you’re allowed to bring your pet, they’ll insert a clause into the tenancy agreement. This will most likely state that: “you must not let your pet affect the property or neighbours”.

That said, your landlords will also try not to disturb you.

Be mindful of shared spaces

Be mindful of their needs if you share common areas with your neighbours, such as a laundry room or a parking lot. This involves not taking up too much space and cleaning up after yourself. In addition, don’t let the rubbish stack up outside your home.


If you have any issues with your neighbours, communicate with them politely and respectfully. This helps prevent issues from escalating and maintains a good relationship with them.

Communicate effectively with your landlord

Effective communication with your landlord involves keeping them informed about any issues with the property, paying your rent on time, and being respectful of their needs.

Here are some more tips on how to do it effectively:

Contact if necessary

You shouldn’t bother your landlord with minor problems. They’ll get irritated and may not respond so quickly in the future, even if you’re experiencing a much more serious issue. 

Take a light bulb as an example. If the one in the kitchen has gone out, there’s no need to contact your landlord. You’ve got to deal with it yourself. 

Do the same for spent batteries in smoke detectors and more. “Serious’ issues” can be anything from a leaky pipe to a broken fridge. First, call your landlord and let them know what’s happened.

Be clear

When communicating with your landlord, be clear about the issue you’re facing or your question. This helps your landlord to understand your needs and provide a solution.

Use email

When communicating with your landlord, use email as much as possible. This creates a paper communication trail and ensures that both parties are on the same page.

Be polite

Being polite and professional with your landlord helps maintain a good relationship with them and ensures they take your needs seriously.

Follow up

If you’ve reported an issue to your landlord, follow up with them to ensure that it’s being taken care of. This shows that you’re taking an active interest in the property and helps prevent the problem from worsening.

Follow the lease agreement

The lease agreement outlines the terms of your tenancy and provides guidelines on how to maintain the property.

Here are some useful tips:

Read the lease agreement

When you first sign the lease agreement, read it carefully to ensure you understand all the terms and conditions.

Follow the rules

The lease agreement may include rules about smoking, pets, and noise levels. Make sure to follow these rules to avoid any issues with your landlord.

Give notice

If you’re planning on moving out, make sure to give your landlord proper notice. This helps to ensure they have enough time to find a new tenant and prevents any issues with the security deposit.

Clean up before you leave

Check your tenancy agreement to see what specific cleaning requirements you are responsible for. Create a comprehensive checklist of all the areas that need to be cleaned, and provide yourself with high-quality cleaning solutions to ensure that every surface shines.

Whether you choose to do the cleaning yourself or hire a professional end of lease cleaning team, it’s essential to ensure the property is spotless before leaving.

In conclusion

A positive relationship with your landlord can greatly enhance your renting experience and create a comfortable living environment. 

By adhering to these tips, you can demonstrate your responsibility as a tenant and enjoy a hassle-free renting experience. 
It’s worth remembering that fostering a good relationship with your landlord not only benefits you, but it also benefits your landlord, as it helps to maintain the value of their property and attracts potential tenants in the future.